dog wearing black framed glasses reading a book

The Big List of Vegan, Vegetarian, and Eco-conscious Resources

Here it is- your go-to resource for all things for vegan, vegetarian and eco-conscious lifestyles.

Whatever stage you are at in your vegan or vegetarian journey, you’ll find something to help.

And of course there are plenty of resources listed here that benefit any furry friends around the house!

So, without further ado, here is your ultimate list of vegan, vegetarian, and eco-conscious resources!

Health Studies and Information

Still thinking about whether or not to go vegan? Here are some resources that illustrate the key benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle.

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

This study by the American Dietetic Association states that plant based diets are healthy and nutritious when planned correctly.

Harvard University Health

This Harvard University study concludes that plant based diets reduce the risk of ‘many chronic illnesses.’

Mortality study in the UK (comparison of plant based vs non-plant based diets)

This study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition focuses on the differences in cause of death in a variety of diets, including plant based diets.

Gut Microbiota Health

This study explores the health advantages of a vegan diet and how vegan and vegetarian diets promote gut health- by doing analysis on poo!

Diabetes management through Vegan diet

This study shows about diabetes management shows how type 2 diabetes can be managed more effectively through a vegan diet.


If heavy academic studies aren’t really your thing, why not check out these books about vegetarianism and vegan lifestyles. We’ve avoided cookbooks- that’s for another section!

They’re all a little bit less science-y and a bit more easily digestible (pardon the pun!)

The Skeptical Vegan

The Skeptical Vegan is a great book, really witty and insightful. It also offers a rare acknowledgement and understanding of how toxic masculinity and the social stigma of vegans can make turning vegan or vegetarian a more difficult choice.

Waking Up: Life on a Small ‘Humane’ Farm

Heartbreaking. The bulk of Waking Up: Life on a Small ‘Humane’ Farm revolves around a smallholding farm, and isn’t one for the fainthearted. Absolutely unputdownable.


Part travelogue, part journalistic religious exploration, part vegan manifesto- it would have been very easy to make this book a difficult, sluggish read. Thankfully, this isn’t the case, and Ahisma is as compelling and funny as it is informative and touching.

Simply Vegan

This is a really nice introduction into all things vegan, and gives a great overview (as well as loads of helpful hints and tips) for going vegan. Simply Vegan is a bit of a vegan bible, it’s one you’ll return to again and again.

Leon Fast Vegan

Anyone familiar with cookbooks will be familiar with the ‘Leon’ cookbooks series. As always, this enormous coffee table cookbook is beautifully illustrated and produced, and the recipes are fantastic. Probably not the best practical cook book for a beginner vegan or someone not particularly interested in cooking as Leon Fast Vegan includes some hard to find ingredients!

The Original Vegan Cookbook For Beginners

Get this book. Try the herby falafels. Thank me later.

There’s some absolutely brilliant ideas in The Original Vegan Cookbook for Beginners whether you’re making  breakfast/brunch, lunch or dinner.

The Vegan Bodybuilder’s Cookbook

The Vegan Bodybuilder’s Cookbook is a no nonsense, no frills book focussed on high protein healthy vegan recipes. It can be a bit spartan at times, as there aren’t many illustrations or photographs, but the meals are absolutely fabulous.

BOSH! Vegan Cookbook

BOSH have great recipes. They’re easy to follow along with, and easy to execute. They make wholesome, filling meals with good portion sizes.

Vegan Buddha Bowls

This one courted some controversy when it was released as it does use honey in some recipes. Whilst we’re not going to examine the ‘is honey vegan?’ argument here, there are some really good recipes in Vegan Buddha Bowls and there are plenty of honey substitutes for vegans available.

Always too much, and Never Enough

This is a beautifully written memoir from vegan author Jasmin Singer. Always too much, and never enough examines common misconceptions of veganism as well as exploring themes of body positivity, battling obesity, and becoming happy in who you are.
small dog watching a tv


If you prefer getting stuck into a film rather than getting your head stuck into a book, then check out these movies about veganism!


Hyper stylised, and readily available on Netflix, Okja is a heartbreaking allegory of the truths of farming and growing animals. Not strictly vegan in that it isn’t a documentary or real life, but still a great movie for people considering veganism.

Kindred Creatures

Kindred Creatures focusses on the lives of animals used in human agriculture. A documentary, it is very bias towards a vegan lifestyle, but discounting that it is a really interesting watch. It’s really nice to see the personality of these animals shining through!

Meat the Future

Meat the Future focusses on the environmental impact of animal farming, and explores lab grown meat as a realistic, environmentally friendly option. While this option doesn’t appeal to all vegans, it is still an interesting perspective to examine.

Slaughterhouse: What the Meat Industry Hides

This documentary takes you through the ins and outs of how commercial slaughterhouses operate. Not for the faint of heart, and with some highly disturbing and upsetting scenes, Slaughterhouse: What the Meat Industry Hides is a brutal exposé of the meat industry.

The One and Only Ivan

In direct contrast to the slaughterhouse documentary, this lovely cgi disney movie humanises and anthropomorphises animals. The One and Only Ivan is child friendly, and highlights animal intelligence. A lovely introduction to the importance of animal rights and animals as more than a food source to children, and a bit of a tear jerker for adults too!

Vegan 2020

This documentary puts the impact of veganism globally in the context of the socio-economic, globalist, scientific and cultural state of the world. Created and produced by vegans, it comes to some pretty obvious conclusions, but it is still a fascinating watch. Is veganism the inevitable answer to the challenges the world is facing? Vegan 2020 seems to think so.

What’s for Dinner?

Another slaughterhouse documentary with some really harrowing scenes, What’s for Dinner? looks at the meat farms and markets of China.

The Game Changers

One of the more well publicised vegan documentaries, this movie focusses on how vegan diets can improve sports performance. With some big names giving their two cents, including Arnold Schwarznegger, Lewis Hamilton, and vegan strongman Patrick Boubimann, The Game Changers is a really winner.

Food Inc

This movie made a big splash when it was first released in 2008. As a documentary, it examines in incredible detail how our food consumption has changed over the past 50 years. Food Inc also examines the ethics of how the meat industry is adopting more and more questionable methods to supply demand, and is an absolute winner for any prospective vegan.


A sci-fi comedy about an all vegan world, Carnage is a light touch movie that makes for easy watching. The way the meat eating history of the world is viewed still leaves you with something to think about though!


Who doesn’t love a good podcast! Here are some of the best vegan podcasts available.

Ordinary Vegan Podcast

This is a podcast that focusses on the benefits of a plant based diet. Each episode gives tips, tricks and dietary hacks for new and existing vegans.

The minimalist vegan podcast

This podcast features two bestselling authors, they meet every monday to discuss all things vegan and ethical living. A real feel good, positive podcast that considers the ethics and environmental impact of living vegan.

The Plant Based News Podcast

This UK based podcast is your weekly round up of anything and everything vegan. It’s a little bit longer than the others on the list, clocking in at an average 65 minutes per episode, so it might be one for the commute rather than the lunchbreak!

The Vegan Inquisition

This podcast is full of funny anecdotes from the life of the podcast host Felicia. It’s a really personable podcast, and you feel like you’re sitting in the room with Felicia as she regales tales from her life as a vegan. Short burst, episodes normally clock in at around a quarter of an hour.

Go Vegan Radio

This is a great listen and one of the longest running vegan podcasts/broadcasts available. Host Bob Linden is a passionate animal advocate and a fellow dog lover, so it makes for some really easy, relatable listening.

The V Spot

This podcast is a really lighthearted conversation between two friends who are vegan. It’s a great listen and a nice introduction to the vegan lifestyle, and one that often gets some laugh out loud moments from us!

The Bearded Vegans

Paul and Andy, the hosts, examine the morality and ethics surrounding up to date vegan issues. They’ll answer questions you’ve possibly pondered yourself from time to time, and also pose a few ethical dilemmas you hadn’t even considered. A really insightful and interesting podcast.

The Veganari show

Hosted by a VeganAri and his husband Mikko, this is a pleasant window into another vegan’s life- and the product reviews are pretty insightful too! Definitely one to check out for any prospective vegan.
small white dog reading with owner

Reddit Communities

Being a vegan can feel a little isolating at times, and reddit is one of the very few places where you can find communities that share in your ethics and values. Reddit is a social media platform where loads of different forums exist. You just find your ‘sub-reddit’, and you’ll be served with content and opinions galore! It’s fairly American dominated, and a lot of the forums are unmoderated, but it’s a great place for picking up tidbits of news and content you might be interested in!

Here are some of the best reddits for dog owners and vegans alike.


An obvious first stop for dog owners, r/dog is a forum for all things dogs! It isn’t vegan focussed, but has 2.2 million active members and can be a great resource for any and all dog questions. The odd cute dog pic doesn’t hurt either!


R/vegan boasts that it is the largest vegan community in the world. With 632,000 active users, all vegan, it’s hard to argue with that claim! Again, there are degrees of commitment and some animal activists will appear on the feed, but it’s still a great resource for recipes, thought pieces, and general news for vegans.

r/veg recipes

vegrecipes is a one-stop shop for some of the best vegetarian recipes available online. Not strictly vegan, but vegan recipes do make a lot of appearances on there, this is a great resource- and a really nice place to post some of your own vegan recipes if you’re a bit of a dab hand in the kitchen!

r/vegan baking

Have you noticed a bit of a theme here? If you hadn’t already guessed, veganbaking is a community for people trying to bake using vegan only recipes. It’s a really supportive community that gets lots of engagement, and has some really great tips for those starting out with vegan baking.

r/plant based diet

Lots of crossover with the above, the plant based diet reddit shares news, supportive messages, and success stories from people following a plant based diet. There’s some great tips for shopping on a budget for a plant based diet too, so if you’re just starting out on your vegan adventure, definitely check it out. It’s a great resouce.

r/eat cheap and vegan

Eat cheap and vegan, like most of these online forums, does exactly what it says on the tin. These are super cheap, super delicious vegan recipes that almost anyone can make. It takes out the need for lichee berries and artisanal truffle oils and all of that pomp and circumstance, and gives realistic, quick to make, simple recipes. Nothing wrong with saving a few bob!

r/vegan fitness

Vegan fitness shows some great success stories of people who switched to a plant based diet for health and fitness reasons, and shows some great workout tips as well as some inspiration to follow a vegan diet. If you’re looking for some visual testimonials for a vegan diet, you can’t go far wrong with r/vegan fitness.

r/vegan athletes

This is a great resource for athletes and nutritionists. If vegan fitness is full of inspiration to become a vegan athlete, then r/vegan athletes is how to do it. With lots of tips, tricks and genuine advice for prospective professional athletes looking to go vegan.

r/vegan pets

This is a smaller, but certainly active, forum. r/vegan pets gives a load of great tips for raising your pets as vegan and again, it offers a really supportive community of 2000 other people with the same questions, concerns and joyous experiences as you!


The big list of vegan, vegetarian, and eco-conscious resources

And there you have it folks! Even if you’re an excellent chef, a speed reader, a movie buff, and an avid podcaster you’ll have your hands full for at least a little while with all of that!

If you have any questions in the meantime about moving to a vegan diet for your dogs, be sure to check out our other blog posts, or order a pack of Noochy Poochy today and take the first step into a new vegan lifestyle for man’s best friend!